The Coppers' Lot

The Coppers' Lot

Product information

March 28th 2023

“Policing is a uniquely dangerous, harrowing and challenging profession where officers are expected to do far more than prevent and detect crime. To be a police officer is also to be a social worker, marriage guidance counsellor, mental health worker and medic.”

Offering incredible true stories from the front line of policing, The Coppers Lot is a compelling insight into what it takes to be a police officer in Britain in the 21st century. The extraordinary experiences recounted include:

  • What does it take to pursue marauding terrorists who are stabbing victims indiscriminatingly while wearing suicide vests?
  • How does an undercover officer target organised crime groups and drug dealers?
  • How do you survive when you are trapped alone with a violent offender who is viciously assaulting, he has disarmed you and thrown away your radio which was your only means of summoning help.
  • How does it feel to know that your personal actions have saved the lives of other people.

The reader will be taken on a ride along with the extraordinary men and women who have sacrificed so much of themselves whilst they hold the thin blue line as they protect and serve their communities. The officers reveal, often in their own words, just how much policing has changed from the traditional notion of the bobby on the beat to what society today expects from them. The violence and trauma that they are exposed to often leaves them suffering with life changing physical and mental health issues.

£6.00 including free UK Postage.


Customer reviews

Jonathan Nicholas, author of “Hospital Beat” and “Who’d be a copper?”

“Rob writes with sincerity and from deep personal experience. This book is long overdue. A valuable addition to the library of true-life police books. Fantastic.”

Green Ribbon Policing

'The Copper's Lot' is a revealing and honest insight into the darker side of policing and the damaging effect it can have on those who serve. It shows you the person behind the uniform and highlights the severely challenging job police officers have. A fantastic read and a real eye opener!

John Donoghue author of “Police, Lies and Alibies: The true story of a front Line officer”

“Well researched & thought provoking”

An important story that needs to be told

Paul M

This book tells the stories of Police Officers, who have put themselves in harms way, for society and the terrible way that they are repaid. Exploring everything from physical harm and death, through to lack of care for Officers in need and unfair disciplinary action and even prosecution, the author guides us through the dark side of the Coppers’ lot. This is a collection of real-life experiences of serving UK Police Officers, who have been badly let down, by the very society that they have devoted themselves to. The author’s own experiences and knowledge of the subject matter, means that he has really got to the essence of each of these, harrowing, stories. In a world where the mainstream media seldom have a good word for our heroes in the thin blue line, this book provides a voice for a handful of the thousands of Police Officers who have been let down. Superb book and a must read for anyone who worries about the future of policing.

A truly powerful read…….

Helen P

A truly powerful and compelling read which I would highly recommend to anyone thinking about going into Policing. It tells the real side of policing so few actually know about or experience. It is so emotionally powerful to read the real insight into Police Officers lives. Congratulations Rob on an amazing book, into which so many truly inspiring officers have contributed their live events,

A must read


A very insightful look into real life policing behind the scenes and not just what the Tv shows you. The read is very impactful and couldn’t put it down, with so many real life stories of police officers that have suffered from just doing their job and still suffer to this day! A must read!

Book Extracts

Book Information

Available formats

  • Paperback
  • eBook


  • ISBN: 9781803135823
  • eISBN: 9781803137735